Q: What are the requirements in renting a vehicle for self drive?
A: Latest PLDT, BayanTel, Globelines, and MERALCO Billing under the Renter’s name, Valid Passport, Photocopy of Driver’s License, Rental + P5,000.00 Refundable Deposit. All these requirements will be returned to you upon the end of the rental.
Q: How to avail discounts?
A: Any Renter with good credit / rental records can avail discounts.
Q: Can I reserve for a specific color and car make?
A: We will, however, in some instances if the car you reserved cannot be released to you due to engine trouble; car needs to be checked before releasing the vehicle; vehicle hasn’t been under thorough check-up, etc. If the car you have reserved is not available, we will give you a replacement with a car that will match the standards of the vehicle you prefer. For instance, if you reserve a Honda Civic, automatic, all power, we’ll be giving you either a Lancer or Toyota GLi- with All Power features as well.
Q: How can I reserve a vehicle?
A: Just make a call to our office and inquire which vehicle might be available on the day you wanted the car. WE ACCEPT RESERVATION THRU PHONE AND EMAIL. If you want to reserve a vehicle on weekends and holidays, please make your reservation as early as possible.
Q: Will I be charged if I bring the vehicle back after the return time on the rental agreement?
A: Yes, you will be charged for each hour or part of an hour in excess of the time you were required to return the vehicle.
Q: What kinds of safety issues should I consider?
A: Before leaving the rental center, be sure you know the route to your destination. If you must ask directions, ask a police officer or find a well-lighted public place. Stay out of high crime areas even if it means going out of your way. Do not stop on the roadway or shoulder and do not get out of your car, if any of the following situations occur: Your vehicle is bumped from behind; Another motorist advises you of problems with your vehicle; Your car is malfunctioning, or someone on the roadside needs assistance. Never leave your car unattended with the engine running. When walking toward a parked car, be aware of your surroundings and check the interior of the vehicle before unlocking doors. Have your keys in hand and ready when approaching your vehicle. Don’t be your own worst enemy… buckle up!
Q:Am I responsible for cleaning the car before returning it?
A: Not only we offer the most affordable Car Rental Rates. We are also strict when it comes to our cars cleanliness and Car Maintenance, therefore, please Clean your trash, dirt, and crumbs out of the car before you return it. If the rental company finds the car unsuitable for inspection of scratch or dents. And has to do more than a quick brush and vacuum, the rental company will have to HOLD or even
Q:Do i have guarantee o warranty in case of car breakdown?
A: If it is normal wear and tear of the rented vehicle, it will be the sole responsibility of our company. but if it’s driver’s negligence (